"When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable!"-Dr Myles Munroe.
The only reason why anybody would ever consider suicide is when his or her purpose on earth is very blurred. The only reason a young lady will give out her body in exchange of whatever any man can offer (prostitution) is when the young lady doesn't know that whatever she gets in exchange of her body is a mockery to what God designed her to be.
The only reason why a promising young man with a very bright future will accept to be a sex toy (gigolo) to any woman old enough to be his mother or even grandmother, is when his purpose on earth is yet to be defined. Therefore abuse is inevitable. The only reason in this whole wide world why anybody would settle for fraud, drug peddling, ritual, cultism, cheating, internet scamming, the only reason anybody will wake up in the morning to hack someone's account, pose as the owner of the account, stoop so low to defraud people of 1500 worth of recharge card, is when purpose is totally undefined and abuse is surely inevitable.
If and only if we know the Seed of Greatness God deposited in us, if only we can calm down to discover our purpose, if only we can find out why God took His precious time to design us and transport us to this land of the living, there wouldn’t be any reason for all these evils and abominable acts in the world. If you've been cheating and abusing yourself thinking that you've been smart, it's time for a check. I'm 100% sure that God did not create any human being to be a cheat, prostitute, ritualist, occultist, swindler, drug baron, gigolo, armed robber, assassin, suicide bomber, kidnapper, blackmailer, etc. It's just misplacement of purpose. I mean, if someone discovers that he is destined to be a singer and that singing will make him great, take him to places he never dreamt he could be, why would he be distracted by evil that can only fetch him peanut and destroy his life at the end of the day? Evil and crime are at increase because many people do not know why they are here on earth.
If Dr. Myles Munroe had taken to cheap and evil life styles, who would have missed and mourned him like this? Personally, he positively affected my life. God used Dr Myles to touch my life and that’s why I celebrate him even in death. I’m so happy that I had an opportunity to meet him in person. God used him to bless this generation. He lived a life of well defined purpose. His life was indeed well spent. If you’re doing one evil or the other just to keep body and soul together, if you are making millions from an illegal business, I want to tell you that what you see now is a mockery to what God prepared for you. I wish God can open your eyes to see where and what he designed you to be.
It is time to change for good. Have your life been inspiring or disgusting? Have you been affecting people negatively or positively? Have you been selfish or selfless in your dealings? What have you done for humanity? This is a call for sober reflection. Let’s make hay while the sun still shines.
A life well spent is a life lived on purpose.
ReplyDeleteA life well spent is a life lived on purpose.
ReplyDeleteThe Power to succeed is in our hands. Trusting God does not equal sitting down to do nothing. A slack hand causes Poverty. Thanks for encouraging once more to be successful. Great work from "House Divine Assets".
ReplyDeleteThe Power to succeed is in our hands. Trusting God does not equal sitting down to do nothing. A slack hand causes Poverty. Thanks for encouraging once more to be successful. Great work from "House Divine Assets".
ReplyDeleteRemain lifted Austin Eze