Monday, 17 November 2014

Word For Prince Charming.

Dear young handsome dude. It's a blessing to be favored by God. It's so good to have great looks and it's also so great to have loaded pocket, if you understand what I mean. But I want you to always be conscious of one thing and that is, there's nothing you've and are in this world that is not from God. A decision to acknowledge God in all you do will be a blessing to you.
 There's no known trophy attached to the highest Casanova around, or is there any that I do not know? Whatever you sow in this world, be sure to reap it sooner or later. If you've chosen to defile young girls, there's a need to think twice. If your new trick on desperate ladies is fake marriage proposal to get them down on your bed, God is watching you. If you think it’s fun and that you're being smart, sweetheart, you're actually tying and burying your destiny.
You may not really know the implication of what you're doing now but a day of reckoning is coming. You joke and brag about your deceit on vulnerable girls, you boast of your so called smartness and foolishness of women, but your so called smartness is a fast lane to the grave because you shall give account of every girl you deceived and defiled. If you do not know, you're bringing curse upon your life.
This is a wakeup call. Change from your evil way. Change from your evil lifestyle. These girls you deceive and treat like tissue paper could be your sisters. Even if you don't have sisters, your mother was once a young girl and I believe you're planning to settle down in marriage someday. Have you thought of giving birth to a girl child? Have you thought of having a daughter in the future? Do you know that your daughter could be a victim to your type too? Noooo! Don't shout God forbid because to you it's fun, its smartness. Dear young man, quit that dirty game you're playing. Do not ever lure any woman to your bed with marriage proposal, NO matter how vulnerable and desperate she may appear, do not take advantage of her ‘foolishness’. Give her word of advice like you would do to your own sister. Give her the word she needs not wound. Help her to protect her pride. She needs her pride not your penis! Don't tell her that you will marry her when you know deep inside you that you will never. Real men are led by Spirit and not by flesh. Who said that as a man you can't live a decent life? Who said you must go to bed with a woman every night? How dare you say that you can't pass a night without a woman? If that's your story, you're simply a victim of wrong decision and bad habit. Real men are men that have their emotions and sexual urge under check. Real men are those men that have respect and regard for women. Real men are those men that treat women as sacred being. Real men do not take advantage of vulnerable women, no matter how juicy the opportunity appears. You may not have heard these words like you're reading them now. Probably you've heard the words times without number but have always given deaf ear to the bitter truth. I want you to know that this may be your very LAST opportunity to change. Yes, that's the truth! Mend your ways and quit being the bad boy they tag you. Life is too precious to be wasted on frivolity and irrelevant things. Reserve your strength, health, wealth and life for that uncommon woman that God designed for you. Say no to that evil lifestyle before it becomes too late. Remember, Real Men Are Led By Spirit And Not By Flesh.

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