Tuesday, 8 December 2015

The Problem Is You!

Teach Your Children The Word Of God | Biblical Proof

“I don’t really care what you do but you must bear in mind that you have a family name to protect. I cannot watch you drag our name to the mud. Your father and I went through hell to build this family’s image and we need nobody to tarnish it”
I do not know if you have heard someone using the above or similar words on his or her children? Better still, I wouldn’t know if you have found yourself using the above words or something close to them on your children?
You see, many of us read and recite
Bible verses without really dwelling and meditating on them so as to learn the actual lessons required of us. When Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 (KJV), “train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it”, it’s never a joke! Bible says, “Train up a child” and not “train up an adult”. Why would any parent wait till a desired age to begin training a child? Why would someone say, “She is still too tender for house chores at age 10, let’s wait till she is 14?” And why in God’s name would anybody say, “He is a boy. Boys don’t get pregnant. So he can afford to do whatever pleases him?” The truth about child’s upbringing is that any child that is not trained before age 10 may run the risk of being in the book of spoilt brats. Yes that’s the truth! This is so because, children grow with what they see and hear. Whatever a child is not used to before age 10 may be difficult to be forced on him. Children are like yam stem. The reason why yam stems are entwined early enough to a desired direction on a bamboo tree, is for them to maintain that desired direction till they are grown, matured and ready for harvest. A child that receives godly principles and teachings hardly goes the wrong way. 
Between man and God, whose name ought to be guarded with great care? I can hear you say God of course! If God, why would you be more interested in protecting your name and image more than God’s name? Have you ever bothered to inculcate the fear of God in your precious child? Have you forgotten that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God? If you are more interested in protecting your name, I bet you, the child will end up protecting the so called name in your presence but drag it to mud in your absence. I believe that what matters most is teaching a child how precious God is and by so doing, you will go to bed with two eyes closed because he will not only strive to please God but also work to protect your name. Teach a child what he stands to gain when he walks in the right path. Quit sounding selfish! It shouldn’t be all about you, family name etc. It should be all about God and what the child stands to gain. If you succeed in molding your child with these values, you will have little or nothing to worry about.
This is a wakeup call for parents. Today, begin to understand that a child’s upbringing starts with the birth of the child, do not wait until it is too late. Let it be registered in you that when you inculcate the right values in a child at the right time, he will grow with them and never depart from them. Sweetheart, God’s name deserves more honor than yours. If you succeed in inculcating the fear of God in your child, he will grow in wisdom and make you proud.
Keep doing the good work of raising godly children and God will keep rewarding you bountifully.

For counseling and coaching, call or whatsapp 09094757110. BBM : 56372820. Twitter: @OluMadu

God loves you and so do I

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