The discouragement that goes with failure is not an easy battle to win. It can make one abandon his dream, project and vision. It can even cost some their lives. It's an experience nobody would want to wish himself because the experience is never a pleasant one. But the truth about life and success is that failure is one unavoidable route to the land of success. Failure is one smart and strong young man that will always test the strength of anyone striving to climb to the top. Consider yourself a success in the making whenever you encounter failure, mistakes, disappointments, rejections and their likes because the truth is that its only a working man that can record mistakes and failures so as to learn, adjust and proceed to that positive destination, and that point happens to be a DEFINING MOMENT.
I know that someone reading this piece is facing depression as a result of a recorded failure in the year 2014. I also know that some other person has been discouraged by a chattered dream in 2014. Probably, you're the one who has sworn never to go back to your vision because life threw a hard painful curve ball to you in 2014. It's normal to feel bad and even sad when an expectation is not met but I want you to know that you've just scaled through the first hurdle of success and there's an urgent need to proceed to the second hurdle with all the tenacity you can ever think of. Congratulations for scaling through the first stage which is a prerequisite to the second stage. It's time to move on to the next stage. Rise up and kick off that discouraging and depressing sheet that you've been covering yourself with. It's time to visit that dream again. Don't say, what did I achieve in 2014 after all my effort.
You achieved a lot but you may not know. You learned a lot from the first attempt but you may not know. The only time you will realize and appreciate that first attempt is when you attempt again because that's when all you've learned and gathered from the last attempt will come into play. Don't ever say, let me relax a little because the year is still young. My dear, the earlier you go to farm, the better. Do not relax. Start afresh with all the tenacity and strong will you can lay your hands on . It's time to visit that project again. It's time to face that vision once again. You know what? This time around, you'll record a better result because I believe that you've learned from the past mistakes. Develop that strong will and tenacity that makes the plant to change its direction but not its decision to grow, when it meets an obstacle. As long as God is in the picture, you shall get there. #StartAfreshOnAFreshPage
Wishing you a fruitful year ahead.