Wednesday, 10 December 2014

You Are a Unique Solution To A Problem

Don't wait to be PERFECT to start making an impact!- Even dirty water extinguishes a fire !
~ Olajumoke Adenowo.

You really do not need to have it all and be it all before you can make an impact. Do not wait until you find yourself on the throne or moon before you start doing what you're created to do. There are people that their destinies are tied to yours. You are just a middle man between God and them, please don't break the bond. Wherever you find yourself, there are people who need what you have. Please release it and make it available to them. Hello! Do not get it wrong. It must not be money or material things. Go into yourself. Don't say, 'I don't have anything to give". Nobody has everything but everybody has something. You may look down on what you have; not knowing that there rests your glory. Go into yourself and discover your real self. Take a time to find out what you are and have that the people around you and the world need. Most times we spend time chasing shadow not knowing that the main object is staring at us. The trouble and worries to keep body and soul together is really distracting people of the kingdom. But funny enough, most times what we realize from those distractions is just a mockery compared to the provision God tied to our gifts and assignments. Just as people cry and complain of problems, so also are people pregnant with solutions to most of the problems around us. You're a solution to someone's problem and reward awaits you for every problem that you solve. Do not be carried by the distractions of the world. You have a specific function and specific functions attract uncommon reward. Now that you know, what next?

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