I'm sure that every normal parent would want to see his or her child grow into a responsible and successful adult tomorrow? The challenge is not in the wishing but in the working it out.
Anybody can wish for something good but not everybody can work out something good.
Please let's ponder on the following.
I call parents children's first library in life because the first and basic learning of every child stems up from the parents, not minding the crazy trend of entrusting children in the hands of "caregivers".
Now as a parent who smokes cigarettes but recites the dangers of hard drugs usage to your children, even when they take turns in buying sticks of cigarettes for you, what exactly do you think you're doing? You seriously need a rethink.
A parent who recites the litany of dangers of lying tongue to his or her children but can't bath an eyelid when telling lies, hope you know that you're joking? If you asked junior to tell a visitor that you've gone out when you're coiled up in your bedroom and still scold junior the next minute over lies, have you ever given a thought on what could be going on in Junior's mind concerning you? S/he can grow up with a mindset that it's actually good to preach against telling lies but it's great to lie as long as you're not caught. Daddy/Mummy, you really need a rethink.
When you tell a child how neat and clean you can be but cannot desist from littering the streets with wraps of biscuits and their likes, hope you know that you're joking? You seriously need a rethink.
As a parent, you can't keep feeding the little negative foxes in your life in the full glare of your children and expect them to grow into wonderful adults at the end of the day. Would you want your children to live a life you're living today? We really need to be ever conscious of the truth that children grow with what they see and not necessarily what they hear. When what you say conflicts with what you do, you become a "confusionist" to these children. Don't you know that you're the living library that your children see? Be more conscious of what you do than what you say, even when you think that they are not watching.
Bring out the best you in you. It's achievable if you believe. Match your words with your actions. If what you teach your children is quite contrary to your lifestyle, then there's an urgent need for a rethink.
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