Thursday, 18 February 2016

The Truth You Must Know

There comes a time in our lives when it seems that everything is against us. At this point, not even your shadow can be trusted. At this point, nobody would want to associate with you, not even those that you have been a great help to in the past. Sweetheart, do not be mad at them because they are IGNORANTLY garnishing your success story.

The truth about life is that you NEED God and not man to survive and succeed in life. Those that God DESIGNED to walk and work with you in life are called HELPERS OF DESTINY and you must strive never to miss them in life. Helpers of destiny may come in disguised form and that's more reason you need to be prayerful ,careful and focused in life. And the big question now is, what exactly do you want in life? What is your purpose on earth? You need to answer the questions because your helpers of destiny are designed to be found in the path leading to your destiny. A helper of destiny may not be rich with money but may be pregnant with an idea that you need to break out from your shell. A helper of destiny may not be "tushed up" but may have a link to that single string on the guitar that will give your life a refreshing and sonorous music.  Your helper of destiny could be your mentor or someone that you do not even know from Adam. Your helper of destiny could even be that security guard or the house help that you treat with scorn. Open your spiritual eyes and pray today, that you shall never miss your helpers of destiny.

I do not know what you're battling with this day but I have a word for you. Do not throw in the towel because help is on the way. You may say, "I've been in this pit for donkey years and cannot see shadow of a helping hand. I'm even sinking the more." Yes, you may be right but have you ever heard that towards the end is the darkest? Yes! You're almost there. Do not be weary and do not faint. Push forward a little further. Yes! I know that you can do it. Come on! Do not give up on that beautiful rose because it's surrounded with thorns. You can't afford to lose that crown because of the cross attached to it. The prize you're striving to win has a price! Pay the price to win the prize!

But let me ask you. Have you ever bothered to know why you're  going through that excruciating pains? Have you gone to God in prayers to know the reason(s) for your challenge(s) ? Do you know that Every Challenge Is A Message from God ? The first step to solving that problem is finding out the cause of the problem. When you know the source of the problem, you can easily root it out. Go to God in prayers to know the message He has for you in that challenge(s). Work on the message(s) and you will smile again.

Do not forget that Every Challenge Is A Message.

Twitter handle: @OluMadu

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