Monday, 28 March 2016

We're Just Here On Transit

Recently, I lost a cousin so dear to me. When the news of her death came, I couldn't  take it. I was just living in denial until it dawned on me that she's gone for ever. Her death reminded me again that we're here on earth just on transit.

Just this morning, I read a unique piece that took me down memory lane from my past to present and imagination took me far away into the future.

Every morning we wake up to thank God for the GIFT of a new day but the big question that's begging for an answer is, what exactly are we doing with that PRICELESS GIFT OF LIFE?  Who exactly is feeling my impact? Who is benefiting from my existence? Does my way of life please and glorify God? If God calls me home today,  would I confidently embark on that journey of no return to answer him?

I think that we should be more concerned about what we do with our lives. I don't really know what you're doing at the moment but there's urgent need for us to always live with the consciousness that we're temporarily here on earth. There's no time to waste on frivolities. How wonderful it will be, if we will always sleep and wake up with the reality of life and death staring on our faces. That i believe will help us alot. It will help us to think right. It will help us to think before we utter any word. And it will help us to act right. It will help us to live each day as if it's our last day on earth.  It will help us to love everybody around us even those that we believe do not deserve our love. Remember, our Lord Jesus Christ loved and still loves all, the sinners (you and I ) not left out. So if we're truly Christians (Christ like), we MUST love all.

As you're reading this post, assess your life. Is there someone that needs your help but you ignored him even when you know that you can do something for him? Are you living with grudges,  bitterness, resentment, hatred? Have you given sin an opportunity to lord over your soul?

There's still time to make amends because no one knows who's next to answer the unavoidable call from our Maker. Do not say, "I'm still very young and healthy" because death has no parameter. If its by age and health, it couldn't have been my cousin. Everyday i keep seeing young, vibrant and healthy looking people dying. So it can be anybody at any time and anywhere.

Beloved, assess and adjust your life.


  1. Hmmmmmmmn, what a great write-up. Thanks dear

  2. Welldone Oluchi, u doing a great job.
