Friday, 31 October 2014

Ladies, Please dress decently and neatly

This is another reason that may not go down well with some people. But as usual, truth must be discussed no matter how bitter it may sound or even taste.

Sweetheart, have you ever wondered why he can jump at hanging out with you even at odd hours but always come with excuses why he cannot take you to Mama or any of his family members? How's your dressing like? Does he say you're sexy when you wear skimpy dresses but scold his younger sister when she wears the same? Does he insists until his younger sister wears a decent dress? Why haven't you given a thought to this? You feel that he loves you and hates his own sister? Wake up girlfriend! A reasonable and responsible man can NEVER marry
you because you go about almost naked. If the so called "sexy" is honorable, why is he so uncomfortable to see her sister in that same manner of dressing? Why hasn't he introduced you to his parents and other members of the family? My dear, think! Think and be reasonable. It will be so pathetic to end up as "too good for friendship but not good for marriage".

He said you're sexy and because of that you gave him access to visit vital and sacred parts of your body that he's not qualified to visit? He said you're sexy and you make it a point of duty to dress indecently? You know what? Do you know what real sexy is? Sexy is when you're DECENTLY and SMARTLY dressed. Sexy is when you're boobs, butts and laps are properly covered and can only be imagined. Sexy is when he keeps imagining what you would look, taste and feel like, until he is qualified to have a feel and taste of you. Yes, he can only imagine but can neither feel nor taste you. My dear girl, we are in a parlor of truth. Indecent dressing cannot attract reasonable and responsible man to you. Indecent dressing can only attract men that would want to feast on you and take to their heels at the mere mention of marriage. If he considers skimpy wears sexy, why does he dress well himself? Why can't he hang out in boxers and singlets? Ladies it's high time somebody thinks in the right direction. Stop going naked in the name of fashion and trying to be "sexy".

And you my lovely sister in Christ. You may go like "tell them, those prostitutes". Have you ever wondered why most men in your community, prayer group and church go outside to get their wives when its time to marry? Does it not bother you that the brothers you secretly admire seem not to even notice you? Obviously you're not the ugliest in the world, so you should be bothered. Before you preach about God's time is the best, make sure that you're not the one holding yourself bound when God has approved. How is your dressing like? Do you dress like grandmother when you're still a spinster aspiring to get married someday? What exactly is wrong with you? When you're taught to dress decently, were you also taught to dress like an old woman? Don't you know that you have to appeal to a man's eye first before he thinks of marrying you? Is there anything wrong with appearing smart? Must you appear like an Egyptian mumy for you to prove that you're a born again? Enough of this hypocrisy in Christendom! Stop tying yourself down and blaming devil at the same time. Nothing is wrong with you! No demon is caging you! The only demon caging you is confusion! You're simply confused on how a real Christian should dress. Look, no brother will hint the word "marriage" in your ears if you fail to take care of yourself. Christianity is neither stupidity nor dirtiness. Take care of yourself. Dress in DECENT and SMART wears that are meant for ladies. Take care of your hair, you're a woman! Use female fragrance at the appropriate parts of your body so that you can always smell good. Stop misrepresenting our Master Jesus Christ. Our God is not a dirty or tattered God. I refuse to accept that! The brothers that you're praying for them to propose to you are not in any way short of what a real man should be! That same blood that runs in other men's vein also runs in their own vein. You have to appear good and appealing before a man for him to think of settling down with you. You must have to look good! Loose yourself from that cage so that you can get married. It's time to tell yourself the truth, no matter how bitter. Search yourself to see if you're guilty of all these reasons we've been discussing these past days. Make sure that you're not the Reason Why He Hasn't proposed.

It's great having you in my world. Express your feelings in the blog's comment box below or get in touch with me for a private discussion. Enjoy your weekend and keep being good. Shalom!

1 comment:

  1. "...DECENTLY and SMARTLY dressed."
    "...and can only be imagined." are the KEY POINTS in this great lesson.
