Thursday, 30 October 2014

Still On Reasons Why He Hasn't Proposed...

Ladies please, take care of your bills. This may sound so distasteful to some ladies because truth is somewhat bitter. But no matter how bitter it is, it must be discussed as long as someone's life will get better by the truth. A lady told me how her financial responsibilities are shared among male "friends" in her life. One man is responsible for her house rent, another takes care of her wardrobe and so on and so forth. It sounds funny and more like a ferry tale but it's so sad to admit that its true. The lady I'm talking about works and earns money but she lives above her income. She wants to own everything that she cannot afford. Its so crazy. I can remember vividly when men use to plead with the ladies they intend to marry to accept gifts from them but the story is the other way round these days. Its quite a shame! Like I said before, some ladies may not like this topic and the reason is obvious.
I was in Abuja for a program and after the program a woman approached me and said "Sister, when teaching, you should be mild with your fellow women, remember that we share the same gender. I asked her a question she answered truthfully which ended our discussion amicably. I asked her, would you rather be told what you want to hear and continue experiencing a challenge that has been eating you up or be informed with what you NEED to know that will help you out of a dark pit? She smiled and said, I prefer the later and today, I'm so glad to testify that she's not only a better person but a happy person. Ladies, no matter how hard we pretend to call black object white and how we manage to close an eye to an evil, whatever that's wrong will forever be wrong and whatever that's right will remain right. I always tell people, do not allow the so called civilization to ruin you. Sieve whatever information, trend etc that comes your way, pick the good ones and discard the bad ones. The activities of life is like beans mixed with stones. Yes, some other person out of Laziness may decide to cook both of them and eat it like that but someone else may decide to separate the two and cook the beans instead. Do not do things because others are doing it. Do not be swallowed by trend. If people around you are doing something that's obviously wrong, be that one person that will say no to it. If the so called big girls are sharing bills to men, stand out from that evil crowd. Strive to be outstanding and different. Yes it may be challenging to stand alone in the mist of 'the same', but it pays. At this juncture, I will like to point out that any lady that's getting ready to get married but doesn't have a vision or purpose is not yet ready for marriage. Don't make any man your ATM! If you're warming up to get married but don't have a vision, then you're not qualified to raise a family. I mean, raising family doesn't end in bearing children. It goes beyond that. Anybody preparing to raise a family should be equipped and having a vision is part of it. If you don't have a vision, what are you going to inculcate in your children. If you're not equipped, how do you intend to equip the children that are forth coming? What are you doing presently to earn a living? Where do you see yourself in the next 5-10 years? I don't mean your expectation from your husband. I mean you! A man's life should be better because he married, Bible says it. Do you intend to be an asset or liability to a man? What exactly is your plan? Check yourself very well to be sure that you're not the reason why he has not proposed. Are you weighing him down with your incessant financial demand? Are you painting a picture of scary future with your attitude? Just think about it, share your opinion or get back to me if you prefer private discussion. Shalom!

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