Tuesday, 28 April 2015

The Brand Called You

Hello Champions and pacesetters. It’s been quite a while! Good to be back on blog track. Trust you’ve been doing great?
Have you ever met someone, quite admirable, well dressed and good looking but quite disappointing when you had an encounter with him (both genders)? Yes, it happens most times and you keep wondering why a well-dressed, smart and good looking chap like that could not meet up to your expectations. Well it all depends on individual brand.
Today, I want us to look at brand and re-branding. Brand means a type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name. While Re-branding is the creation of a new look and feel for an established product in order to differentiate the product from its competitors.

Our point of discussion will be on human brand and re-branding. Have you ever asked yourself, “What brand am I and do I need any re-branding?” The truth about life whether we like it or not, is that the world is a competitive place for any God created human being. Whatever you do on earth calls for excellence, hence your competitors will definitely push you aside. So what exactly are you made of and what are you giving back to the society? Before one can assess himself “brand-wise”, you must first of all ask yourself the following questions
1.       What is my character like and how can I be rated in terms of integrity?
2.       What do I place so much value on?
3.       Can people trust me?
4.       What and how has my past dealings with people been?
5.       Who exactly am I and what exactly do I have that needs to be given back to the society?
6.       How really can I rate my relationship with God?
The truth about life is that you can never give what you don’t have. I place the 6th question so high because it’s a determinant of everything about you. If you do not have a good relationship with God, if you don’t know and live His word, your character and integrity will be questionable, your value might be valueless, you cannot earn trust from people when you have questionable character, your dealings with people may not be palatable, you may not know who you really are and you may not know what you have that the society needs. You can see that everything about you revolves on the 6th point and question.
Who needs to be re-branded? The answer is everybody. At every phase in our lives, there are always one or two things that need to be worked on and when you’re working on those things, you’re re-branding yourself to become a better person so as to fulfill your purpose on earth. Remember, real brand comes from the inside.
The big question is, who and what is the brand called you? What do you need to re-brand about yourself?
Till I come your way again, keep re-branding yourself to become that person God intends you to be so as to fit in to your designed purpose.
Shalom! God loves you and so do I

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