She was born without arms and all doctors did not
know why and she resolved and learned to live her life with her feet. Her name
is Jessica Cox and she was born in 1983 in Sierra Vista, Arizona, USA. Being
that Jessica’s condition appeared abnormal, there were many questions at the
time about whether she would be able to live a “normal” life. However her
father, an optimistic man that sees life from the positive side, said he never
shed a tear about her birth condition because he had full confidence in her
As a child, Jessica took to dancing and studied
dance in her home town. When the first moment for her performance approached, not
really too sure of herself, she asked to be put in the back row. Her dance
teacher told her there was no back row. Tentatively she decided to perform in
the front row. At the end of her performance, the applause from the audience
gave her encouragement and the confidence she needed to continue dancing for 14
good years.
Based on Jessica’s potentials, her parents later
met a Taekwondo instructor named Jim Cunningham. When told of her birth
condition, Jim Cunningham’s response gave Jessica all the confidence she needed
to soar in life. Jim Cunningham said that “Jessica would be more than
physically able and that only her ATTITUDE could hold her back.” Jessica earned
her first Black Belt in the International Taekwondo Federation at age 14.
When she graduated from high school, Jessica proceeded
to the University of Arizona where she bagged a bachelor’s degree in Psychology
and continued exploring the life that she perceives as an adventure.
It may interest you to know that a girl born
without arms proceeded to learn how to fly airplane. It took three states, four
airplanes, two flight instructors and a discouraging year to find the right
aircraft: a 1946 415C Ercoupe Airplane. Finally, the most interesting part of Jessica’s
story is that she received the Guinness World Record for being the first person
certified to fly an airplane with only her feet.
I do not know what stands as a challenge on your
way today. I do not know what has been telling you that you can’t. I also do
not know what seems to be a limitation to you but I am here to announce to you that
if Jessica Cox can rise above limitations, nothing can stop you. The only thing
that can stop you in life is YOU. Yes YOU! YOUR ATTITUDE about life can make or
mar you. It can construct or destroy you. It can bring out the worst or best in
you. If you believe that there’s a Seed of Greatness planted in you, you will
rise up from that pity party you’ve been feasting on, to nurture that Seed to
fruition. As a parent, I do not know that child of yours that you believe
CANNOT, just because of his or her birth condition but Jesicca’s story is here
today to prove you wrong. Give that child all the love, support, encouragement,
motivation and inspiration that he or she needs. God placed that child in your
care for a purpose. Do not disappoint the child and most importantly, do not
disappoint God.
It’s a new dawn in your life to rise above
limitations, challenges, problems and whatever name it bears. Jessica now travels
round the world as a motivational speaker, sharing her story, encouraging
people to be creative and innovative with the mantra “Think outside the shoe.”
When next you’re tempted or pushed to the wall to say, “I can’t” please do well
to remember this great and amazing woman of 31 who inspires me a lot.
Are you next in line?